State Water Board Adopts New Regulations for Direct Potable Reuse

In December 2023 the California State Water Resources Control Board adopted new regulations for direct potable reuse. This is a landmark step in California that took many years of input and leadership from some of the best scientific and engineering minds in California and throughout the US. The State Water Board’s Expert Panel that helped ensure that the regulations would adequately protect public health was co-led by EOA’s co-founder Adam Olivieri. A journal publication (Environmental Science Water Research and Technology, September 2023) describes the science-based process that the expert panel implemented.

Monitoring Strategies for Constituents of Emerging Concern (CECs)

CEC Monitoring Report

EOA co-founder Adam Olivieri served on a Science Advisory Panel to address the water quality issues involved in water reclamation and reuse in the State of California. The Policy for Water Quality Control for Recycled Water (Recycled Water Policy) was adopted by the California State Water Resources Control Board (State Water Board) in 2009. The State Water Board sought to incorporate the most current scientific knowledge on constituents of emerging concern (CECs). The 2018 Science Advisory Panel was charged to update their recommendations from 2010 and expand their recommendations to include surface water augmentation. This report also provides the Panel’s recommendations for improving the State Board’s CEC monitoring program.


Decentralized Non-Potable Water Systems Report

EOA co-founder Adam Olivieri served on an independent expert advisory panel to develop a risk-based framework to establish scale-appropriate public health guidance for decentralized non-potable water (DNW) systems.  The project was coordinated by the Water Environment & Reuse Foundation through the National Water Research Institute and in collaboration with San Francisco Water Power and Sewer, the, and the Water Research Foundation.  The report was completed in 2017 and provides guidance on water quality pathogen targets for DNW systems, which are used to collect, treat, and re-use water from local sources (e.g. roof runoff, stormwater, graywater, and wastewater) for various and non-potable applications. The framework guidance also includes monitoring regimes for water quality, management considerations for systems, strategies for permitting projects, and applications and end uses of treated alternate water sources.


 WateReuse President’s Award

On March 21, 2017 Jim Crook and EOA co-founder Adam Olivieri were given the President’s award for “extraordinary contribution to nationwide leadership in potable reuse” at the Annual WateReuse conference in San Diego.  Dr. Olivieri and Dr. Crook were awarded for their work as Co-chairs of the Senate Bill 918 Expert Panel.

Bonnie DeBerry accepting the WEF Award at the 2016 WEFTEC conference.

2016 WEF National Municipal Stormwater and Green Infrastructure Award

EOA serves as the program manager for the Santa Clara Valley Urban Runoff Pollution Prevention Program (SCVURPPP), which received an award from the Water Environment Federation (WEF) in 2016 for the Overall Highest Score for a Phase 1 Municipal Stormwater Program and Gold Level for Innovation and Program Management. The award ceremony was held at the Annual WEFTEC conference in New Orleans on September 26, 2016.

These awards are part of the National Municipal Stormwater and Green Infrastructure Awards program, led by WEF through a cooperative agreement with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). The program was established in 2015 to recognize high-performing regulated Municipal Separate Stormwater Sewer Programs (MS4s) throughout the United States.  The objective of this program is to inspire MS4 program leaders to seek new and innovative ways to meet and exceed regulatory requirements in a manner that is both technically effective as well as financially efficient.  Recognition of innovative approaches is also a highlight of this program.

Potable Water Reuse 2016

Direct Potable Reuse Feasibility Report to Water Board (2016)

EOA co-founder Adam Olivieri served as co-chair on an expert panel to advise the State Water Board on the science, technology, and public health issues regarding the feasibility of using direct potable reuse to meet growing water demands.  The expert panel produced a feasibility report through the National Water Research Institute.  After a yearlong investigation, the panel found that it would be feasible to develop and implement a uniform set of water recycling criteria for direct potable reuse that would incorporate public health protection as good as or better than conventional drinking water supplies and indirect potable reuse.

Panel members include co-chairs Dr. Adam Olivieri and Dr. James Crook, and contributors Dr. Michael Anderson, Dr. Richard Bull, Dr. Jörg Drewes, Dr. Charles Haas, Walter Jakubowski, Perry McCarty, Dr. Kara Nelson, Dr. Joan Rose, Dr. David Sedlak, and Dr. Timothy Wade.

Panel | Report

Framework Potable Reuse 2015

Water Reuse Report (2015)

EOA co-founder Adam Olivieri served on an expert panel to assist utilities and regulatory agencies in developing reliable guidelines for safely converting wastewater to drinking water.  The expert panel produced a framework document through the National Water Research Institute and in collaboration with the American Water Works Association, WaterReuse Foundation, and the Water Environment Federation.  This document discusses the role that direct potable reuse can play in the water portfolio of a community and examines the regulatory, technical, and public outreach components of creating a successful direct potable reuse program.

Panel members include Dr. George Tchobanoglous (Chair), Dr. Joseph Cotruvo, Dr. James Cook, Dr. Ellen McDonald, Dr. Adam Olivieri, Andrew Salveson, and Dr. Shane Trussell.


Outstanding Regional Outreach 2014

2014 CASQA Outstanding Regional Outreach and Media Award

EOA participates in BASMAA, which received the Outstanding Regional Stormwater News, Information, Outreach and Media Award in 2014 from the California Stormwater Quality Association.  BASMAA was recognized for the “Be the Street” anti-litter public education campaign, which engages youth, integrates social media, and encourages behavioral change through social norms.

SF Estuary Outstanding Project 2011

2011 Friends of the San Francisco Estuary Outstanding Environmental Project

EOA serves as the program manager for SCVURPPP, which was recognized in 2011 by the Friends of the San Francisco Estuary for its work with the Going Native Garden Tour and developing the “Soak it Up” brochure.  The Going Native Garden Tours showcase beautiful Bay Area gardens featuring California native plants, reduced water use, reduced chemical and pesticide use, and improved habitat.  The “Soak it Up!” brochure describes Low Impact Development features for stormwater management.

CASQA Outstanding BMP 2008

2008 CASQA Outstanding BMP Implementation Project Award – Trash BMP Tool Box

EOA serves as the program manager for SCVURPPP, which was recognized in 2008 by the California Stormwater Quality Association for the creation of the Trash BMP Tool Box. The Trash BMP Tool Box provides guidance on control measures and planning to reduce trash in the storm drain system.  It includes guidance on implementation of trash full capture systems as well as enhancing on-land actions such as street sweeping, trash container management, and outreach strategies.

CASQA Outstanding Outreach 2008

2008 CASQA Outstanding Regional Outreach and Media Award

EOA serves as the program manager for SCVURPPP, which was recognized in 2008 for implementing the Green Gardener training program.  The Green Gardener program trains landscape maintenance professionals on sustainable landscaping practices. The award was given by the California Stormwater Quality Association for Outstanding Regional Stormwater News, Information, Outreach and Media.

Pesticide Regulation IPM 2008

2008 California Department of Pesticide Regulation IPM Innovator Award

EOA serves as the program manager for SCVURPPP, which was recognized in 2008 as an IPM Innovator for conducting extensive outreach efforts to reduce pesticide pollution. The program educates pesticide users about less-toxic pest control through the Green Gardener training program, point-of-purchase outreach at retail stores and nurseries, and media advertising.

National Env Excellence 2007

2007 National Environmental Excellence Award for Education Excellence

EOA implements the Watershed Watch Campaign, which is SCVURPPP’s umbrella outreach campaign. The Watershed Watch Campaign is a multi-year outreach campaign designed to increase the public’s awareness of watersheds and the resource value of local creeks, ultimately leading to behavior change.  In2007, the Watershed Watch Campaign was recognized for Educational Excellence by the National Association of Environmental Professionals.

Clean Water Act 2006

2006 National Clean Water Act Recognition Award First Place – Outstanding Municipal Storm Water Management Program

EOA serves as the program manager for SCVURPPP, which was awarded in 2006 by the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) for overall achievement in municipal stormwater management.

Excellence in Communication 2006

2006 Excellence in Communication Award Third Place – Improving Water Quality

EOA serves as the program manager for SCVURPPP, which was awarded in 2006 by the National Association of Flood and Stormwater Management Agencies for the achievements of the Watershed Watch Campaign in public engagement to improve water quality.

Friends of Estuary CCMP 2003

2003 Outstanding Comprehensive Conservation and Management Plan (CCMP) Implementation Project – Watershed Watch

EOA serves as the program manager for SCVURPPP, which was awarded in 2003 for the Watershed Watch public outreach campaign. The outreach program is designed to identify and change behaviors that adversely affect water quality and to increase the understanding and appreciation of streams and San Francisco Bay.

Ground Water SJ 2002

2002 Co-sponsorship of the San Jose Ground Water Institute for Teachers

EOA was recognized by the American Ground Water Trust for co-sponsorship of this educator training program to help San Jose’s teachers and their students recognize the environmental and economic significance of ground water resources.

USEPA Clean Water Act 1993

1993 National Clean Water Act Recognition Award First Place – Outstanding Municipal Storm Water Management Program

EOA serves as the program manager for SCVURPPP, which was awarded in 1993 by the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) for overall achievement in municipal stormwater management