San Francisco and the Bay Bridge viewed from Treasure Island and a local Bay Area creek.

EOA, Inc. is a small environmental science and engineering consulting firm located in the San Francisco Bay Area. For over three decades, EOA has been a Bay Area leader in tackling challenging water quality problems and ensuring that our public and private sector clients comply with complex NPDES permit requirements.

Our exceptional technical staff of engineers, scientists and planners, most with advanced technical degrees and over 10 years of consulting experience, have led the development and implementation of numerous award-winning water quality restoration and protection programs. We have also conducted numerous studies and policy initiatives that help protect and restore aquatic habitat and wildlife in California.

With a focus on public agency assistance, we’ve helped cities and counties in the Bay Area and other parts of California to manage the impacts of stormwater and wastewater on local creeks, rivers, San Francisco Bay, and the Pacific Ocean. We bring decades of experience in planning, developing and implementing green stormwater infrastructure, trash controls, other pollutant control programs, and water quality monitoring and assessment. Data and information collected through these efforts is easily accessible to our clients through our advanced environmental information management systems.